Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
176173 Haykakan Banak 1829-0108
176174 Bolletino Storico Pisano 0391-1780 Pacini Editore
176175 Journal of Leadership Accountability and Ethics 1913-8059 North American Business Press
176176 Les sociétés méditerranéennes antiques et les mondes de l’océan Indien 2553-9876 MeDIan : les sociétés méditerranéennes et l’océan Indien [Carnet de recherches] [2010-2013]
176177 Saitabi: revista de la Facultat de Geografia i Història 0210-9980 Universitat de València: Facultat de Geografía e Història
176179 Logical Methods in Computer Science
176180 Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
176182 Bulletin of the EATCS
176198 Fisheries Oceanography
176219 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
176223 Aquatic Toxicology
176227 Ocean and Coastal Research 2675-2824 Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo
176233 OperaViva 2531-4866 OperaViva Magazine
176234 Para-doxa 1079-8072
176245 La lettre de la cour administrative d'appel de Douai et des tribunaux administratifs d'Amiens, Lille et Rouen 1969-4075
176253 OER Osteuropa Recht 0030-6444
176264 Journal of Economic Development 0254-8372 Sung Y. Park
176265 Academy of Marketing Science Review (AMS Review)
176266 Cahiers du centre de recherches pour la promotion de la sante (Crps) Prof. Dr Patrick Milabio
176267 Оптика и спектроскопия 0030-4034
176268 Cahiers du CERUKI Nouvelle serie 2412-5873 Prof. Theo MUHASANYA BIL'UMBELE
176269 lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education 1307-9298
176271 Les Cahiers de la Nuit de la Philosophie
176272 Agenda Cultural Alma Mater Universidad de Antioquia, Colombie
176273 Revue Monde arabe - Maghreb - Machrek 1241-5294 La documentation française
176277 Open Journal of Astrophysics 2565-6120 Maynooth University
176278 Ieee Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation
176280 Dialogue Studies 1875-1792 John Benjamins
176281 Entre-Temps
176288 KLI Magazine 1599-8355
176289 - La revue géopolitique
176292 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
176294 Soil Ecology Letters 2662-2289 Springer
176295 Australian Journal of Politics & History 1467-8497
176296 AAWM Music and Nature 2771-4497 International Foundation for the Theory and Analysis of World Musics
176297 Current Research in Behavioral Sciences 2666-5182 Elsevier
176298 Cadernos Cemarx 2318-065X Universidade Estadual de Campinas
176302 Crime Science 2193-7680 BMC
176304 Molbank
176305 Brèves de l'Iramis
176306 Atomization and Sprays 1044-5110
176307 International Journal of Heat and Technology (IJHT)
176312 Applied and Computational Mathematics 2328-5605
176313 Sociologie économique. Carnet du RT12 de l'Association Française de Sociologie
176314 Le nouvel
176315 Libé
176316 L'Équipe
176318 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 1939-8654 Elsevier
176319 Journal of Historical Sociology 1467-6443
176320 Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization Centre Mersenne
176321 Flamme. Fédérer Langues, Altérités, Marginalités, Médias, Ethique 2802-7329 Université de Limoges
176322 EcoMat 2567-3173 John Wiley & Sons Inc. Wiley Beijing Office
176323 The Times Literary Supplement
176324 Food Quality and Preference
176325 International Marketing Review
176326 Journal of Marketing Management
176327 Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism
176328 Politiques et Management Public
176329 International Journal of Information Management
176330 Journal of Services Marketing
176331 Management Decision
176332 Business Horizons
176333 Journal of the Operational Research Society
176338 Environmental Communication
176339 Global Business and Organizational Excellence
176340 Technological Forecasting and Social Change
176345 International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
176346 Research in International Business and Finance
176347 Journal of Applied Business Research
176349 Journal of Service Management
176350 Industrial Marketing Management
176351 Journal of Knowledge Management
176352 The Economic History Review
176354 VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
176356 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
177403 Good Planet Mag
177404 Point de repère n° 1 - Commission Economique du Développement Durable
177405 Contagion
177406 Studia Mesopotamica
177407 Deleuze and Guattari Studies
177410 Suite française
177411 Science and technology studies 2639-3212
177413 PBS News Hour
177414 France Culture, LSD, La série documentaire
177415 Données sociales 0758-6531
177416 Revista de Economia 0019-977X
177417 Soziale Systeme. Zeitschrift für soziologische Theorie 2366-0473 De Gruyter
177418 Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions
177421 JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance 2632-1823
177422 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry 1989-5488
177423 Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia 1121-4171
177424 The Conservation
177425 New Perspectives on Turkey 1305-3299
177427 Psychology Research and Applications 2663-7014 Isaac Scientific Publishing Co., Ltd
177428 Lectures 1255-8702
177429 Applied Animal Science 2590-2865 Elsevier
177433 Polygone
177434 International Journal of Innovative Research and Publications
177435 Les carnets du Cerpac